Over the past two weeks, women on Facebook have been reavealing where they like it… but don’t worry they are just talking about their handbags. They are posting where they like to put their handbag when they come home, but the word ‘handbag’ is conveniently left out to keep everyone intrigued.
The goal is to draw attention to the need for breast cancer research funding (without actually raising money) following a very successful Facebook breast cancer campaign last year, where woman gave details of their bra colour.
In French, it was a little more difficult to reach the same level of ambigiuty but we managed a little innuendo with “J’aime que ce soit….”. (Everyone of course remembers the subjunctive from school :))
The concept of this viral marketing campaign has proved to be fairly popular, especially as it’s for a good cause, but some are asking questions about its effectiveness and in particular about the relationship between handbags and breast cancer. But, at the end of the day, does it really matter? The buzz created has succeeded in stimulating people’s curiosity and has lead to thousands of articles with only one message: support breast cancer research and don’t forget to go take a breast exam. Sounds like a a pretty great result from a viral campaign to me.