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15 June 2009


James Dalrymple

Hi Carol,
Interesting post, especially for someone - like myself - working in France. As a teacher and someone who runs a website, I generally eschew the kind of working culture you refer to. I have no intention of joining it in the future either as long as it remains so formal and hierarchical. The formality, coupled with an emphasis on qualifications that creates clearly defined cielings for most employees, can make for a somewhat stuffy, old fashioned working environment.

Carol Pender

I completely agree with you James. I generally love living in France but there are some stark cultural/social differences that can be pretty irritating and frustrating at times - the most striking ones for a foreigner working here are the type of professional and educational 'discriminations' you mention. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that this tunnel vision on the ideal academic route and career is about to change anytime soon. Luckily, there are still enough wonderful things about France to make me want to stay!:)

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