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19 July 2007


Tim Hoang

What Apple seems to have forgotten is that the mobile market is already saturated in the UK and it cannot bully consumers like it could do with the iPod and iTunes when there was little other alternative. I'm not going to get one it doesn't even look that great.

You had that last line in your mind before you even wrote the post right? and i thought you were getting rid of that picture of the woman saying 'talk to the hand'?


When you say fashion label, do you mean like Burberry?

I do agree with your point about it being odd to tie it to one provider. Apple is the hardware manufacturer, so from its point of view, the more, the merrier, right?

I also think saying that Apple is "abusing its position" is going too far - they can do what they like. But it doesn't make good business sense.

And I find it amazing that people are risking legal action and possible prison by hacking the DRM for a phone. A phone...

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