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08 September 2006


Mike King

I love it when someone uses "when the rubber hits the road".

Or, two of my personal favourites as used frequently by our very own blogmeister general, "creative sounding board" and "PR engine room"

Joe Banks

Oi, watch it, Mr King - I have copyright on those last two...

Graham Cluley

I have occasionally heard people being urged to "velocitize the threatscape thought leadership".



Maybe once we get on a level playing field we can touch base and leverage our synergies sometime?

It's not mission critical, but I think we're operating in different silos at the moment, and we could do with better visibility on this project.

Andrew Dawson

My "favourites" actually used in brainstorming meetings are:

"Let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes it"

"Let's put them in the washing machine and see what comes out fluffy"

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