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04 August 2006



I don't think I said I don't read any PR pitches. I do read them. But very few of them ever make it to story level, for the reason I explained - PR tends to be about announcements, while what appears in papers are *issues*.

I think there is a future for PR. But I think it's a more atomised one, as is happening to journalism.

Laura Cooper

While it’s true that announcements are an important part of PR, they’re far from the be all and end all of the services that an agency such as Johnson King provides.

These days, any agency worth its retainer knows that announcements on their own will not generate the quality coverage and media kudos that clients want – in fact, it’s increasingly about creative, issues-based work, and laying the groundwork for stories by offering journalists new angles and ideas surrounding the markets and industries that our clients are in.

The point I was making is that corporate ‘insider’ blogs themselves will increasingly be used as a new channel for agencies to deliver these stories in both a more subtle and more direct way.

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