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07 August 2006


Mike King

Bloody hell, this actually works. Tried this on my daughter's friend when she was suffering from a severe bout of hiccups. Admittedly, she wasn't in the middle of a journalist interview but she was about to go on a hot date so I guess she was in a similar state of excitement.

Graham Cluley

Huzzah! Another success! I trust you are now ready to become one of my disciples Mike and spread the good word that a cure for hiccups has been found?

PS. Did the technical diagrams come in useful?

Mike King

Used this Cluley miracle tip again yesterday for another friend of another daughter (I've got three) and it, of course, worked. I referenced it to GC of course. Mind you, I couldn't remember whether right thumb gets squeezed by left thumb/index finger combination or vice versa so I went with left thumb being on the receiving end of the squeeze and it worked.

Twice in a few weeks, is there a danger of hiccupping reaching epidemic proportions amoung the youth of today? Without the GC cure I feel there could be. Nobel prize for contribution to....errr...young hiccuppers for GC?

PS Couldn't have done it without the diagrams.

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